T. Marullo Foundation

Our Vision :          

We would love to dedicate & entitle  a Foundation of  Integrative Funcional Medicine 

 as a tribute to our father  .... who spent his life for Science

 With his positiveness and unique humanity he dedicated his life to continuous research, 

 creating and  finding solutions in order to offer a better quality of life to all his patients.


 He was a mentor for everybody, always explaning the toughest issues with  simple words.  

Throughout his life, he analyzed and treated disorders by focusing on all the physiological aspects with an integrative approach 

in an era in wich Integrative Medicine was still unknown. 

He was a sustainer of health prevention and pursued this goal until his very last day.

Our Mission : 

To continue along his vision, we surf the wave of a holistic integrated approach to give our  contribution to the health of all our patients not only through dental and/or dental-facial therapy but also through a global assessment of overall health.

                                                                                           Thanks Dad  

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**for english version

Prof . Tommaso Marullo   ( 29.04.1923   - 20.05.2004) 


Curriculum Vitae

tratto dalla commemorazione tenuta in sede all'Assemblea della

Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoiatria e Chirurgia Cervico- Facciale 

Torino, centro Congressi   "Il Lingotto" 28 maggio 2004  


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